
Scars are marks on the skin that occur after wounding or surgery when the cut or laceration heals. Scars can occur on the surface of the skin and on the internal organs. They are the result of excess collagen formation after an injury. This is formed to strengthen the wound. Scars are permanent.

Sometimes scars can be red and raised even after healing (known as hypertrophic) or sunken in appearance (known as pitted) or the scar tissue can spread beyond the site of the original wounding (known as a keloid scar).

Treatment for Scars

If you don’t like the way your scar looks or if it’s causing you discomfort, there are treatment options:

Silicone Sheets – You can buy silicone sheets from your pharmacy. These can be placed over a still-healing scar to reduce inflammation. They should be worn all day for at least three months to obtain maximum benefit.

Pressure Dressings – These stretchy, elastic bandages can be used in conjunction with silicone sheets to smooth scars.

Corticosteroid Injections – If you have a hypertrophic or keloid scar then you could have steroid injections to flatten the scar tissue.

Laser Treatment – Laser beams can be fired at the scar to break up excess scar tissue.

Dermal Fillers – Dermal filler injections can be given to ‘fill out’ pitted scars.

Derma pen / Micro needling – a ‘collagen induction therapy’ which stimulates collagen production to help improve scarring.