Facial Hair Removal in London
Unwanted or excess hair can leave you feeling uncomfortable and self-conscious, but there are effective long-term hair removal treatments that can help. Laser treatment can be a painless and permanent solution for both body and facial hair removal.
Coping With Excess Facial Hair
Unwanted facial hair is a very common problem. Some of us naturally have thicker or darker hair, but it can also be a sign of an underlying condition such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Whatever the cause, there are some simple treatments that can help to eliminate excess hair. Some of these treatments can even provide permanent facial hair removal or reduction.
How to Get Rid of Unwanted or Excess Hair
Many different treatments are available to tackle unwanted facial or body hair. You may already have tried products in your own home for shaving and waxing, hair removal creams, or an epilator. However, these techniques for getting rid of hair can be time-consuming, ineffective or even painful. If you are looking for a more permanent hair reduction treatment, you might want to consider electrolysis, IPL hair removal, or laser treatment. Each of these treatments can help to reduce facial hair while preventing regrowth, but it is important to consider which hair removal treatment is right for you.
Finding the right facial hair removal treatment can make a big difference. You should consider how sensitive your skin is, how often you are willing to use your hair removal treatment, and how much work you are willing to put in. The right treatment can save you from a lot of pain and hard work by making it easier to achieve the results you want.
Our Recommendation: Laser Hair Removal for Face and Body
Removing hair by laser is a safe, convenient and painless method that provides permanent hair reduction. The treatment can be performed on any part of your body and can even be used to remove unwanted facial hair. The treatment works by carefully targeting your unwanted hair with a laser. When the laser hits the melanin pigment in your hair, the light energy is converted to heat, which destroys the hair follicle. The hair will fall out within a couple of weeks and regrowth should be slowed or even permanently stopped. You should begin to see results after just a couple of sessions, with permanent removal or reduction of hair in six to ten treatments.
Why Choose Laser Hair Removal?
If you have unwanted facial hair or excess body hair, make an appointment today to find a more permanent solution for hair removal. Choose our laser treatment for removing facial hair to gently eliminate any unwanted hairs or free yourself from waxing and shaving with our body hair removal treatment.
Laser hair removal can make your life easier by giving you long-lasting results, without the pain and hassle that comes with so many hair removal treatments. Finding a convenient way to get rid of your excess facial hair should help you to feel more confident while making your life much easier.
Please call for a FREE consultation with our LASER therapist on 0207 183 1921.