Laser treatment is a great choice for facial hair removal as it can provide painless and permanent results. Here are a few things you should know about caring for your skin before and after the laser treatment.

Before the Treatment:

1. Keep out of the sun for about a week before facial hair removal.
2. Don’t wax or bleach your facial hair for at least 2 to 3 weeks before starting laser treatment.
3. Avoid using fake tan on your face for at least 10 days before the treatment.
4. Don’t use any creams, sun cream or moisturiser on your face on the treatment day.
5. Don’t apply any makeup on the day of the treatment.

Getting Laser Treatment:

1. Laser treatment for facial hair removal usually takes just 10 to 15 minutes.
2. The treatment is safe and almost completely painless. It shouldn’t leave you with any redness or discomfort.

After the Treatment:

1. Don’t use any makeup, moisturiser or other products on the day of the treatment.
2. Protect the treated skin from the sun for the first week after treatment. Stay in the shade and apply sun cream regularly when you’re outside.
3. Avoid using any night cream on your face for at least 3 days after laser treatment.
4. Don’t wax, bleach or use other hair removal methods on the treated area in between laser treatments.
5. You may see a reduction in your hair after the first treatment session, which should become more noticeable over time.
6. Laser treatment won’t leave you with any irritation, redness, or ingrowing hairs.
7. Remember to attend every treatment session. Facial hair removal usually takes 4 to 8 sessions, which could be several weeks apart to ensure all the hair is treated at the right stage in its growth cycle.
8. Once the laser treatment is complete, you should experience a permanent reduction in facial hair.