If you are considering the options for nose correction, you will need to decide whether a surgical or a non-surgical nose job is the right option for you.

The Results

A non-surgical nose job can achieve many of the same things as rhinoplasty, including:

  • Reducing humps on the bridge
  • Making the nose more symmetrical
  • Correcting the shape of the tip
  • Improving the appearance of a wide, narrow, small or large nose

However, a surgical nose job can achieve some things that a non-surgical treatment cannot. For example, surgery can help with breathing problems such as a deviated septum, as well as cosmetic issues.

Since the non-surgical nose job can achieve similar results to surgery, without being permanent, it can actually be a good idea to try it out before committing to a permanent procedure. If you like the results, but you want them to last longer, you will be able to go ahead with a better idea of what to expect after your nose job. If you find that you preferred your old look, or that the non-surgical treatment suits your needs better, you can avoid making a permanent mistake.

The Risks

Another important factor to consider is the risks involved with cosmetic treatment. A non-surgical nose job is very safe. You may experience a small amount of redness at the injection sites and there is a very low risk of infection, but side effects are very rare.

A surgical nose job comes with some serious risks, including:

  • Adverse reactions to the general anaesthetic
  • A higher risk of infection after the procedure
  • Bleeding, swelling and bruising

It will also take some time to recover from the surgery. Your nose will be sore and bruised after the procedure, and you will need to wear a bandage for at least a week. Once the bandages come off, you should see the same results as you would get immediately from a non-surgical nose job. The results of rhinoplasty will be permanent, but if something goes wrong with the surgery or during the healing process, you may not get quite the effect you wanted.